Launch day and a giveaway!


Welp. The day has come. My Angels have been released into the world!!!

This book has been a labor of love. And sometimes just plain labor. But regardless of the many drafts, the days and weeks and months plagued with self-doubt that I could once again write an entire novel, I did it. It IS here. And I’m so proud of this story.

(Pssst, if you haven’t already ordered it, you can now buy it from these places here, right now, today!)


The idea to write this book came thanks to an email from a good friend, fellow author Jamie Pacton, who sent me an article about the Oversteegen sisters, two Dutch teenagers who, among other daring jobs, seduced and killed Nazis and Dutch collaborators. With the article was a simple note, “Write this book”.

And so I did.

I wrote it three times, in fact. After an amazing trip to Haarlem in the Netherlands, where much of the story takes place, I returned to the United States and found myself eager to get the sights, sounds, and smells of beautiful Haarlem onto the page.

But within weeks I found myself sitting at my kitchen island trying to write a first draft while my six-year-old engaged in virtual school, the world shutting down around us. What a strange time. What a task to try and be creative. But three drafts later, I’d found my story.

I hope you’ll enjoy this book filled with brave and daring humans, willing to stand up for their country, for each other, and for themselves.

And of course, to celebrate the day, I should probably do a…


To win one of two signed copies of ANGELS OF THE RESISTANCE (as well as some other goodies shown in the first photo, above), please check out my Instagram page @noelle__salazar. Tag a friend in the comments of today’s giveaway post and tell me either a favorite holiday tradition from your childhood OR what you’re looking forward to in the new year.

Thank you all for your support. You have no idea how much your words of encouragement keep me going.




Don’t forget, if you’re in the Seattle area tonight, come and join me and bestselling author Kate Quinn at the book launch! Details below:

Dan Hanks